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Beyond the book printed on paper pages, you may want to try electronically delivered books. These may be audiobooks or e-books (the text is on a computer, not paper). These have become increasingly popular because the electronic reading machines have become easier to use and more titles are available. The new eReaders such as Kindles and Nooks, as well as new tablets, like the iPad or Galaxy, also provide features like internet searching, cameras, and email access. These multi-use devices are great when you are traveling.

Solvay Public Library, along with other libraries in Onondaga County, are happy to now be providing downloadable eBooks for your kindle, nook, iPad, as well as your smart phone. The simplest way to do this is through the Libby App. Available for iPhone, iPad, Android, Chromebook, Windows 8 & 10, Kindle Fire HD!

OCPL eBooks

For help in downloading eBooks to your eReader, tablet, or smartphone, you can either visit us at the library or go to OCPL’s eBooks Help Website