9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. - View Hours


The Solvay Public Library Board of Trustees has approved a set of policies to assist staff in providing the best quality service and for the safety of our patrons. Policies are crafted after carefully reviewing those of similar libraries and discussion at the open Board of Trustee meetings. Many are derived from standard American Library Association policies. Questions about our policies can be directed to the Library Director or by mail to: President, Library Board of Trustees, Solvay Public Library, 615 Woods Road, Solvay, NY 13209.

Some policies are posted within the Library. Printed copies can be made from this website or by request at the Library.

Access To Library Resources
Art Exhibit Policy & Guidelines
Borrowing Policies
Circulation Policies
Computer Use
Information Security
Internet Policy
Patron Conduct
Patron Confidentiality
Meeting Room Use/Application
Unattended Children