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Meeting Room Use/Application

Use of the Solvay Public Library meeting room is governed by the policies and procedures set forth by the Solvay Public Library Board of Trustees and the tenets of the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights. Every effort will be made to accommodate interested persons and groups in accordance with the policies herein described. Infringement of the policy guidelines shall be grounds for denial of future use of meeting rooms. Requests for appeals relating to these guidelines may be made in writing to the President of the Solvay Public Library Board of Trustees.

Community Room – seats 45
Activity Room – seats 10
Small Meeting Room – seats 10

Who Can Use the Room

  • The meeting room will be made available on an equitable basis for persons or groups engaged in educational, cultural, intellectual, civic or charitable activities regardless of their beliefs or affiliation. Applications for use of the Library’s meeting rooms and lobby are available to nonprofit organizations and groups without regard to religious, political, philosophical, or other content of speech at such meetings. Duly constituted continuing political groups may use the rooms, but committees for the advancement of an individual’s political campaign shall be denied such use.
  • All meetings (except lawful executive sessions of governmental bodies) will be open to the public should anyone wish to attend. All meetings shall be publicly noticed in the library. Private parties, like birthdays or anniversaries, are not allowed.

Reservation Process

  • The meeting room is reserved by completing a written request form (attached) and providing it to the Library Director or designated Library staff personnel. Room use is subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees of the Solvay Public Library. Requests for reservations must be made at least two days in advance. Reservations may not be made more than ninety days in advance.
  • Requests for use of the meeting room for purposes that, in the sole judgment of the Library Director, may interfere with the regular activities of the Library or patrons using the Library facilities will be denied. Similarly, any approved use of the meeting room that serves to disrupt the regular activities of the Library or patrons using the Library will be stopped and the persons or groups causing such disruption may be denied future access to the Community Room.
    Parameters of Use
  • No products or services may be advertised or sold in the Library except to benefit the Library. Solicitation is not allowed in the Library or on Library grounds. Use of Library space for fundraising is limited to Library-related activities exclusively.
  • No admission fee may be charged. The only exceptions are in the case of paid registration at conferences or institutes, held in cooperation with the Library, or payment of fees for scheduled education courses sponsored by non-profit organizations.
  • Payment for materials required to cover the cost of materials purchased for educational projects are permitted. The Board of Trustees reserves the right to require an accounting of proceeds from any approved activity. If it comes to be known that more was asked for than necessary to cover the cost of materials, a group will not be allowed back to use the Solvay Public Library rooms.
  • Public performances of copyrighted material such as music and movies usually require the permission of the copyright holder. The group planning to show or perform such material is solely responsible for obtaining the required copyright permission and presenting a copy to the Library Director with the request form.
  • In order to provide equitable access to meeting rooms, limitations on frequency and duration of use may need to be imposed. Groups affiliated with the Solvay Public Library or the Village of Solvay are exempt from this limitation.
  • This access does not entitle users to telephone privileges or to other rooms of the Library.
  • A representative eighteen years or older must be present at all times and is responsible for the conduct of the attendees. You should familiarize your group with the Library’s Patron Code of Conduct Policy.
  • All meetings need to be concluded 15 minutes prior to the Library’s closing for security reasons, unless prior arrangements have been made with the Library Director.
  • The Library Director must be informed in advance if media coverage will be present.
  • This room reservation and event information will be posted on the Library’s online calendar. You can take advantage of this publicity by submitting a paragraph size description about the event, contact information, and a website. Flyers promoting the event can be placed in the Library by submitting them to the Library Director.
  • Smoking and alcoholic beverages are not permitted under any circumstances within the building or on library grounds.
  • Users of the meeting room are responsible for leaving the room in a clean, neat and orderly condition. The individuals or groups using a room are responsible for furniture set-up and need to return furniture to the original arrangement.
  • No open flames, such as candles, are allowed in the library.
  • The applicant/user needs to inform participants of the location of emergency exits and procedures.
  • The applicant/user is responsible for participant accommodations (e.g. assistive listening devices, etc.) and compliance with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
  • Library personnel need access to meeting rooms at all times.
  • Parking is available in two Library parking lots or on Hall and Boulder Roads. Please inform attendees that parking is not allowed on Woods and North Orchard Roads, by order of Village Police.


  • In the event of inclement weather or other emergency, the Library Director shall provide notification of the closing of the Library to the contact person named on the Request Form as soon as practically possible.
  • Library sponsored and co-sponsored programs will be given preference for the use of the rooms. Reservations are made with the understanding that Library and Village programming and use of the meeting rooms takes precedence over use by community organizations. Your reservation may be cancelled with a 30-day notice.
  • Approval of a request for use of the Community Room does not in any way constitute an endorsement by the Library of the ideology, opinions, or activities of the users as may be expressed during the course of meetings or programs held in the Community Room.
  • The use of the name, address or telephone number of the Library as the address or headquarters for any users of the meeting room is prohibited. Publicity generated by any users of the meeting room may recite only the Library name, address and room designation. Any other mention of the Library requires the written approval of the Library Director.
  • The applicant/user accepts financial liability for damage to Library facilities and/or loss of Library property that occurs as a result of the scheduled meeting.
  • The Library Board of Trustees bears the responsibility for protecting the safety of the building and its contents and the health and well-being of those who use the premises. Activities are prohibited which are detrimental to the accomplishment of the mission and goals of the Library. Community groups applying for the use of Library meeting rooms are responsible for communicating fully the scope of activities planned, including anticipated attendance and any out of the ordinary impact their event might have on Library operations.
  • Any and all damages to the meeting room or its contents caused by any users of the Community Room, including the costs of repair and replacement of the same, is the sole responsibility of the users causing such damage.
  • The Library assumes no responsibility or liability for accidents, injuries or loss of individual property in the meeting room or elsewhere in the Solvay Public Library.
  • Any questions regarding this policy or the use of the meeting room are to be addressed to the Library Director or the President of the Solvay Public Library Board of Trustees.

Public comments and complaints regarding this policy should be addressed in writing to a member of the Board of Trustees, in care of the Director of the Library. The Trustees will review letters of complaint within 60 days and will respond in writing.

Public comments and complaints regarding this policy should be addressed in writing to a member of the Board of Trustees, in care of the Director of the Library. The Trustees will review letters of complaint within 60 days and will respond in writing.

Approved by the Solvay Public Library Board, July 18th, 2015