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History Research Links

Why we require an appointment to use our archives.

Onondaga County Public Library Databases for different newspapers across New York State.

Onondaga Historical Association Home of the museum and research center for historical information related to Onondaga County.

Town of Onondaga Historical Society Split Rock Quarry, part of the Solvay Process production, is located in this Town.

Camillus Historical Society The Town of Camillus is the location of some of the Solvay Process wastebeds and Nine-mile Creek.

Camillus Canal Society & Park has lots of information related to the Erie Canal. The Canal runs through the Village of Solvay and on the Solvay Process Company site.

Rhode Island Historical Society which has more materials on the Hazard family. You may want to call them. We also suggest doing a web search engine search on Frederick or Rowland Hazard, which will turn up some genealogical information.

New York State Library has a wealth of special collections accessible to the public, as well as, assistance by research librarians. Collections, some of which are digital, include genealogy, local history, and military records.

Central New York Library Resources Council has other links to historical sites and libraries in the Central New York area that have information about Onondaga Lake.

Onondaga Lake Partnership Promotes cooperation among Federal, State, and local governments, and other involved parties in the management of the environmental issues of Onondaga Lake and Onondaga Lake watershed in Syracuse, New York. Has some good links and a history of Onondaga Lake.

New York Newspaper Archive This database provides full text scanned images of the Syracuse newspapers dating back to 1829. You must use this in the Library and have staff enter a login and password.

New York Heritage Digital Collections The site connects more than 160 digital collections from around the state, contributed by libraries, archives, museums and other cultural institutions, and builds on existing digital repository services administered by each of the nine reference and research library resources councils.

Historical aerial photographs of Onondaga County from the collection at Cornell University Library.