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Computer Use

Solvay Public Library provides free and equal access to information. One means is public access to computers, computer peripherals, and the Internet. The Solvay Public Library does not discriminate on the basis of sex, cultural background, physical abilities, age, race or ethnicity, religious or political beliefs, or sexual orientation. The Solvay Public Library also works to protect patron privacy (see the Library’s adopted Code of Ethics and Patron Confidentiality Policies). This access includes providing on-site computer training, staff knowledgeable of intermediate computer skills, computer instruction and use materials in the circulating collection, and a website of Library programs and services. The Library is working to provide computer access for varying physical and cognitive abilities.

The Library also recognizes that public computer use must adhere to laws governing Internet safety and commerce and provide for the security of the equipment. To protect computer equipment from tampering and viruses, Library computer equipment cannot be “loaned” outside of the Library, as do print and media materials, and is thus not treated as such. Rather, it is viewed as a tool to provide equal access to software, databases, and Internet services shared with the public.


  1. All computer users must register at the circulation desk for every computer session.
  2. Onondaga County residents must have their own valid OCPL library card to use Public Access Computers. Patrons must have $3.00 or less charges on their card and no special messages blocking their card. Children under 12 may use a parent’s card (see below for Internet use). Patrons may pay some of the fine or volunteer time, with the Director’s approval, to reduce the fees in order to use the computer that day.
  3. Out-of-Town guests may use a “guest” pass for two sessions if they provide a photo-identification, such as a driver’s license. Thereafter, they need to register for a card.
  4. Upon registering to use the computer, the patron assumes adherence to the Library Internet Use Policy. Violation of the policy will likely result in loss of computer privileges, at the Director’s discretion. Appeals may be made to the Library Board of Trustees.
  5. Children under 8 can only use the Internet if a parent, grandparent, or legal guardian is present (siblings and cousins do not apply). Computers can be set-up to disallow Internet access and some computers are designated solely for child use.
  6. Trained Library staff are on-duty to assist patrons with trouble-shooting computer problems and start-up. This Library provides one-on-one computer training tutorials by appointment. A schedule of area computer classes is also available.
  7. Two patrons may be at one computer station during a session if their voices are kept low. Tutors are encouraged to use the computers with students.
  8. Computer sessions are normally limited to one hour and can be extended if there are no patrons waiting. Library staff reserve the right to ask a patron to end their session after one hour. If the public demand for computers cannot be met, staff may reduce the time limit to one half hour and will notify the patron during the registration process.
  9. Patrons are to remain at the computer to which they are assigned. Moving to another computer may terminate the computer session and, if repeatedly done, result in the loss of computer privileges.
  10. Patrons may reserve computers, but the time limits remain as stated above.
  11. Patrons suspected of violating the Internet policy may have their access blocked until the Director reviews the situation and may be assigned a designated computer(s) to use in the future.
  12. Library users assume the responsibility for any damage to their personal property that may result from using Library equipment or from downloading information. Solvay Public Library assumes no liability for any damage to property. The Library is not responsible for patron identity theft as a result of SPL computer use. Internet safety literature is available for free at the Library. Patrons may ask staff to restart a computer to clear cookies and history information.
  13. Wireless computer users providing their own equipment and accessing the Solvay Public Library’s network must adhere to this Library’s Internet Policy and all state and federal laws regarding Internet access.
  14. These procedures may not apply to Computer Lab use. Lab use procedures are determined on a class-by-class basis.

See also relevant Solvay Public Library policies:

  • Internet Use Policy
  • Patron Code of Conduct
  • Patron Confidentiality Policy
  • Code of Ethics

This policy and corresponding procedures were adopted by the Solvay Public Library Board of Trustees on July 14th, 2008.