Open from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm - View Hours

Circulation Policies

Our friendly staff can explain our policies.

Managing your library account online.

Not all libraries in OCPL have the same fines, fees, and due date policies. For Solvay’s, see the registration brochure mentioned above. For Central and City of Syracuse branches, click here.Checking your check-out receipt will tell you the due date set.

There are a variety of convenient ways to renew items.

Solvay Public Library has joined the city branches in requiring a photo i.d. when you present your library card. This policy has been implemented to help secure your library account and prevent errors.

For your convenience, we have a digital camera at our desk to take your photo and attach it to your library account. We will then see your photograph when we scan your library card. Otherwise, you will have to display a drivers license or other photo i.d. For more details, please ask our staff or CameraFlyer.