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Photo Use Policy

  1. Loaning Privileges. Most photographs in the Solvay Process Local History Collections can be loaned to other educational organizations for exhibition or reproduction for exhibit purposes. Prior written approval must be granted by the Solvay Public Library as described herein and the borrowing organization must sign the Solvay Public Library Loan Agreement. The loaned photograph must be returned to the Solvay Public Library at the agreed upon date.
  2. Reproductions. Publishers, commercial organizations, researchers, teachers, students or individuals may purchase copies of most photographs from the library’s collections. Reproduction fees will be quoted prior to reproduction and payment may be requested in advance. If mutually agreeable, library scanning equipment may be used to minimize fees. Only library staff will handle collection materials for reproduction, except that other education organizations may borrow original photographs or copy photographs themselves. The Solvay Public Library reserves the right to approve the quality of a photograph, copy or digitization. No copy or digitized photograph may be re-sold or reproduced, nor may the purchaser charge someone else for the use of the reproduction.
  3. Permission Form. Anyone using materials from any Solvay Public Library collection for any purpose including reproduction, exhibition, publication, electronic distribution or otherwise must complete a permission form and receive the prior permission of the Solvay Public Library for the intended use. Permission is given for a one-time non-exclusive use as described on the Permission Form and Letter of Agreement. Any further or additional use requires new permission. Some photographs cannot be loaned or reproduced and the Solvay Public Library reserves the right to permit or deny photographic requests. In certain instances, approval of the Solvay Public Library Board of Trustees and/or the Village of Solvay attorney may be required. Adequate time will be required to obtain these approvals.
  4. Electronic Distribution. Distribution of images and writings over the Internet is a form of publication, therefore, the digitization of materials is subject to the laws of copyright, privacy, and publicity rights as well as donor restrictions. The Solvay Public Library normally will not allow an image higher than 100 dpi to be placed on a web site. Arrangements for higher resolution must be made with the Library Director.
  5. Credit Line. A prominent credit line under the exhibited original, digitized or copy photograph, in an exhibition, publication, electronic distribution or otherwise, shall read Courtesy of the Solvay Public Library.
  6. Image Manipulation. The Solvay Public Library’s primary interest is to protect the integrity of the original. Materials from the collections may not be altered. The Solvay Public Library will not allow inversion of the original or the removal or addition of content. The Solvay Public Library will allow adjustments to contrast and sharpness. Images may be cropped at the edges or a portion may be selected from within a photograph. An explanatory statement must be added describing any changes. Any manipulation of the materials beyond that stated in this policy must be approved by the Curator of Photographs
  7. Copyright. The copyright status of photographs and other materials is often difficult to determine because of factors including the employment status of the photographer, the date material was created, the date material was first published, and the information that accompanied the first publication. The Solvay Public Library has not been able to determine copyright status for many of the photographs and materials in its collections. Therefore, the Library is acting only as an owner of the physical original. The Library is not responsible for either determining the copyright status of the image(s) or for securing copyright permission for any use of the image(s). It is the obligation of the user to obtain permission to use copyrighted materials. Possession of a library photograph does not constitute permission to use it, and the Library is not responsible for copyright infringement by a user.
  8. Description of Intended Use. The intended use of the material must be clearly and honestly stated on the request form.
  9. Complimentary Copy: The Solvay Public Library requests a complimentary copy of published materials reproducing or citing materials from our collections or digitized images at the highest resolution for the Library’s research collection.

Anyone not adhering to the conditions stated herein may be denied future use of the collections.
Adopted by the Solvay Public Library Board of Trustees on June 10, 2002 .

Public comments and complaints regarding this policy should be addressed in writing to a member of the Board of Trustees, in care of the Director of the Library. The Trustees will review letters of complaint within 60 days and will respond in writing.

Photograph Use Form

Permission Form and Letter of Agreement

Please print

Name: _________________________________________________

Institution or Company: ___________________________________

Address: __________________________________ City: ________________ State: ____ Zip: ______

Phone: __________________________


Check all that apply:

1) Individual or student, for private or educational purposes:

() for private study, () for school paper, () for school multimedia project, () other: __________________________________________________

2) Educator, Educational Institution, small club, or Non-profit Institution, for non-profit, education purposes:

() book, ()exhibit, () periodical, () film, () poster, () video tape, ()web site, () CD ROM, or () other: ______

3)Commercial Enterprise or for commercial purposes:

? Category 1: internal use, research, or reference only

? Category 2: illustration of mainly textual material for publication or presentation

() book, ()periodical, ()slide show, () CD ROM, () web site, () other: __________

? Category 3: () decorative display or use within broadcast or sale, ( ) videotape,

() motion picture, ()television

? Category 4, use of image as main product illustration () calendar, () book jacket,

() advertising

? Category 5, reproduction of facsimile, where image is main or sole product

() poster, () postcard, () other: _________________________

For Educational, Non-Profit, or Commercial uses, please complete the following:

Proposed Title: __________________________________________________________

Publisher/Producer: _____________________________

Publisher’s address: _____________________________________________

Tentative Publishing/Release Date: _____________________

For web use, describe how the image(s) will be used:


URL: ____________________________________


I have read, accept, and agree to abide by the conditions listed in the Solvay Public Library Photograph Use Policy.

Signed: ____________________________________ Date: ___________________

Approved by (SPL Representative): _________________________Date: _________

Permission is given for a one-time non-exclusive use. Any further or additional use requires new permission of the Solvay Public Library.